Books filled with life quotes and sayings line the shelves of bookstores across the country. Calendars and posters display overused sayings, like "Dream Big" and "Reach for the Stars" to encourage those who happen to pass by in a doctor's office or company work space. It would be impossible to calculate how much money has been spent on various objects bearing the adage, "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned."
life quotes and sayings
Life quotes and sayings of famous authors and religious and political leaders can be found by the hundreds with any online search engine. But what makes these quotes and sayings so important to society that they feel the need to display them on and in every possible form of media? Perhaps these life quotes and sayings are what members of society strive to live up to. If they can be seen and read on a daily basis, perhaps the wisdom they impart will be imparted to the lives of those who wear them displayed on their t-shirts or have them plastered to their bumper.